wReggie wRoad Trip

I’m headed to San Francisco in the morning. It is maybe my 10th trip there. San Francisco is a great city, like New York and Chicago.

If San Francisco is matter, then Los Angeles is antimatter. I just hate going to Los Angeles. The rest of California is great.

It will a quick trip. I will bring back some sourdough bread even if it is stale. It makes damn good toast.

And I will meet a fellow blogger and his trusty dog. We will break bread together. And laugh.

© 2011 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.


terri said...

How do you think that hippie dog would get along with your country dogs?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I have a feeling they would connect.

Ken said...

Yeah ol' Schneider and his master are just a couple of ol' dried up hippies from yester year. You'll connect just fine.

Unknown said...

Where did you get that picture of Schneider??

Rock Chef said...

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair! :-)