
Micky-T said, "You should really take more walks in the woods without any device at all".

And so I did. A nice round of golf.

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Rock Chef said...

Hm. If you didn't have any devices, how did you take the photo?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I wanted just an iPhone to prove I did walk 18 holes of golf.

Ken said...

I dare you to do it without that iPhone.

Ken said...

...and do we know you "walked"? that pic looks like from the front seat of a cart.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Yes I had a cart but I get credit for walking. You see it is cart path only and I am such a bad golfer that I have to walk great distances to and from my cart in order to take the next shot. A shorter distance would have been just walking all 18. Plus the cart made a mighty fine brace to take this picture.

Ken said...

You want credit? Bwhahahaha

Phfrankie Bondo said...

I feel compelled to say...I don't think the challenge was met, regaradless of your good intentions.

Try again.


Jay said...

Tee it high and let it fly!

terri said...

I have to agree with the others. You don't seem to have met the requirements. Try again, and then show us what it looked like using only words :-)