New Tools of the Trade

Yesterday my game changed dramatically with the official introduction of my iPad 2 in a client presentation.

A few weeks ago I decided to buy an iPad for work and was determined to make it a portable tool capable of replacing a lot of paper and hardware that I normally lug around. After all my entire work is my computer, my forms and a pen.

What if I could shrink all that down to a tiny device the sized of half a clipboard?

Armed with downloaded PDFs and live internet on demand I set out to see some long time clients in their 80’s at their home to explain what I think is simply the Cold Fusion of income products.

I sat down and went through the customary small talk that southerners do, gave them a dozen eggs and then after a while of social debriefing we sat down to business.   

They were impressed with my contraption and my passion for the investment. When asked specifics about their account I was able to pull up live data almost instantly (it doesn’t need to boot up).

After I felt that they had grasped the investment conceptually I handed then a 2 page hard copy and told them to sleep on it and left a prospectus (can’t get around that bulky monstrosity).  

I headed to Pine Lake Country Club for a beer and take out for supper. The client called me while I was there at the bar with my iPhone and iPad and I was able to answer more questions on demand using the Internet connection.

Since it was my first attempt using the iPad I decided to have a back up printed just in case. I never needed it. Also I have a stylus that literally one could sign their name on an electronic document then and there, but I am not ready to expose clients to that. I’ll leave that to the Apple store for now.  

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Ken said...

Just another contraption. Ha Ha Ha

Rock Chef said...

You mean they can actually be used for serious stuff? Sounds great to me!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Can be that. Just a contraption. But it is how I make a living. Imagine a nice plane or draw knife if you will.

Ken said...

I was laughing at the idea of it being a contraption, which to me would have moving parts, lots of moving parts. That's what I'd call a contraption.

Things like this new "tool" and others these days are NOT contraptions, they're space age, alienish, infinite, mind blowing, mystery pads, of this new buttonless, knobless, gearless, world where just your fingertip is the tool.

Stacy said...

Yeah I have been thinking about getting one.
I finally have gotten around to blogging again. I miss it.

Unknown said...

I want a phPad.

terri said...

I thought I already had all the gadgets I could need or want. I was wrong...