Number One - I am not beholding to the unseen world of germs. I wash my hands, shower, and cover my mouth when I cough or sneeze but that is it when it comes to my personal battle with germs.
The problem is that a lots of people these days are becoming obsessed with germs and the rules each has in force to battle their germ fears is unknown and unseen. This makes it easy for one to break another’s germ rules by simply not knowing their rules.
Number Two - I like music but I don’t have to listen to music all the time. I enjoy long periods of silence alone with my thoughts.
Gigi and I will drive 8 hours and never turn on the radio or iPod. We just talk.
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Radio or not radio, makes no difference to me.
Don't even have a stereo at home. If I feel the music mood I turn the TV to music stations. Can you guess which is my favorite? Irie!
I like music but like to listen to different stuff according to my mood. I can also go without, unlike so many who seem to live with iPods in their ears and cannot hear anything that is going on around them.
Germ rules - so easy to break...
Germs and music...who knew they were so cosmically interlinked?
What is this talking thing of which you speak? Am I supposed to talk to that guy that lives with me, sleeps in my bed, and goes to the places I go? I don't know. Don't want to mess up what's been working well so far.
I must have music in the car, and when I'm getting ready for work, and when I'm cleaning house. Other times may or may not be musicless.
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