Hump Day!

Boy are we dancing in the streets here in Midland. No more political ads!

A friend from St. Croix called Gigi and me early this morning outraged that we had elected Obama as President, like it was solely my fault.

It is a damn shame that you can't vote for President of the United States if you live in the US Virgin Islands. 

Oh well….on to things you expect on this blog, Jeeps stuff and dog shit stories.

We are really enjoying the time change and drizzle of the past few days. Nothing like leaving the house in the dark in a cold drizzle with tannic acid leaching leaves stuck all over my Jeep and then returning home in a dark drizzle.

This weather makes me want to put on some fuzzy socks and light a fire after I have poured some gasoline over my head. 

My pal Ty is handy with wood and has offered to build me a chicken tractor in exchange for fresh eggs.

A chicken tractor is a movable chicken coop/yard that protects and contains chicken and allows you to move it daily to give the chickens fresh ground and grass, bugs and such.

I plan on having 6 hens and one rooster in this tractor. Once it is built I’ll look for some chickens on Craigslist to get me going. I don’t want to bother with chicks right now.

I have read all I can about chickens and have even consulted my massage therapist pal and fellow blogger Kuckie. She is a chicken chick herself.

And finally....


terri said...

Yeah, I love going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark too. (NOT.)

Chickens? You're turning into a farmer, Wreg.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Terri I love fresh eggs. I think we have had this discussion before.

They taste so much better.

Plus....I think it would be cool to give chickens a try.

Anonymous said...

You know Wreg, I stared and stared at that coop and finally figured out what it was missing.

Sheri said...

Heeeeelarious Video!

Stacy said...

Yeah maybe now they can explain exactly what all this "change" is supposed to be about.
