I spent some time yesterday with a very old and very successful man who at 91 still works.
His office is stuck in 1948 motif with a few modern add-ons like a fax, copy machine, 10 year old PC and a small flat panel TV.
The rest of the place is out of an “I Love Lucy” era.
He is wealthy beyond what most folks can imagine yet he lives modestly. For him money and wealth accumulation is a game of wits between other business men, the government and consumers. He has played the game well.
Now he is sensing the end of life and he is systematically giving away his money to private instructions and universities.
I think he is enjoying the challenge of unwinding his empire as much as he enjoyed building it.
He never did much personally with his money... the way most of us think we would do if we were rich. He was satisfied to live in a modest home, drive a modest car and never traveled much except when he served in the army in WWII and Korea .
His mind is clear but his body is wearing down.
It was a good insightful conversation.
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Good post. Sounds like a good man.
What Mic said. Only better.
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