Have you ever been standing in line at a restaurant and notice all the patrons and employees look like they have a sixth grade education and they are all fat as hell?
Then you stop and wonder what in the hell you are doing here?
And so it was that I found myself in line at Hardees this morning; home of the monster thick burger and obnoxious TV commercials. In some areas of the country you may know the chain by the name Carl’s.
When I passed the dive through menu on my way in I noticed a sign that said, “A picture menu is available at the window.”
I guess that picture menu was available just in case you are dumb, fat and couldn’t read. You could point at a big fat hamburger picture and grunt while handing the server a wad of wrinkled cash for her to sort through.
But then I asked myself, “Self, how would a dumb ass illiterate know to ask for a picture menu if he or dumbass fat she has to read the sign to know there is a picture menu?”
I’ve noticed too that in North Carolina the state has recently replaced signs indicating where the local library is to a picture of a stick person reading a book with an arrow pointing the way. You would think that the people looking for the library could read well enough to read a sign that tells them the location of the library.
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I think the true purpose of these types of signs are so that people who immigrate and don't speak or read the language are able to continue on without having to learn the language. Because that just makes so much sense, doesn't it?
I do notice that about people in fast food chains, but what bothers me more are the people who wait on you in actual restaurants - all beautiful to behold, but dumb as a box of hair.
I agree with Terri...it's frustrating that we have so many people that immigrate here, but have no desire to learn the language...
Why is there brail on the frive thru ATM? I shit you not, most of these have them! Check it out sometime.
Hey! How come you can get away with posting something like this and not be verbally attacked and threatened by fat stupid or stupid fat people everywhere?
We seem to be targets more and more.
Always entertaining, though.
Maybe the fat and stupid people don't realize they're fat and stupid, so are unaware they've been insulted here. I mean, the stupid people attacking us on our blog, against overwhelming evidence to the contrary, think they're intelligent.
I think its funny to say how come you can get away with posting something like this Terry not a jab. I think if you dont like my post dont read it. If you are fat and I use the word fat and you dont like it leave. Just my 2 cents. The best thing for me was going through taco cabana the other day. I ordered a taco with no cheese. This seemed to truly confuse the kid at the drive thru.
The best part was when my 13 year old son looked at me and mimicked the kid by saying hey mom, what's a taco(in his best napoleion dynamite voice) CLASSIC!
you are too much. just yesterday i was thinking to myself that we americans are FAT! it is embarrasing to see so many fat people in our country. i want to ban fast food chains. i mean come on' how many freakin McDonalds or Taco Bells do we really need. I swear there are ones on EVERY corner here in Cali. It drives me nuts.
thanks for letting me vent.
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