Wildlife Lesson for the Day


TerryC said...

You always come up with interesting ways to make us keel over in mirth!

Too funny!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! LOL, that IS funny!

MELackey said...

I saw one of those once, but it was shaved smooth except for a little "landing strip" down ts back... Definitely a strange looking creature...

none said...

lol at least he doesn't have the little hitler.

Judy said...

That isn't real is it???? It is embarrassing to look at.

Teresa said...

I'm with Judy...LOL!...it's embarrassing just to LOOK at that thing! LOL!!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

No I don't think it's real. My old college room mate sent it to be this morning and I busted out laughing.

I hesitated posting it but thought it was too funny to pass up.

MELackey said...

I hear they taste like chicken (but don't smell very good)

Ken said...

LMAO Thanks, I sent that around to some friends.

Ali said...

Bwahahahaha! Love it.

Michael said...

On a completely unrelated topic... I just scrolled to the bottom of our page, you realize this FEEDJIT thing has pushed all your pictures and stuff WAAAAAAAYYYYY down the page right?

Anyway, I noticed your little weather comparisons. At 9:40pm (AST, our time) it was 83 in St. Croix, 81 in Winnipeg (a mere 2 degrees less), and a frigid 73 degrees in Midland, NC. What's up with that?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Well....It has been getting in the mid to upper 80's here and humid as Ned's ass.

Then at night it drops off to the upper 60's.

I guess it was headed that being being night and all at 9:40PM.

mr zig said...

oh dude... hehe - I don't know if I should groan and slam my laptop shut, or laugh out loud and make everyone in this coffee shop look at me! hehe

TerryC said...

Here's another hysterically related thing that I just remembered and reminded Michael about....

A few weeks ago, our local "newspaper", printed a headline about a local company that donated to a school. It exclaimed something to the effect that "EDC Company Donates to Pubic School Students".

Seriously. It was in print, in large letters.

I've been wanting to blog about that little gem since Peter showed it to us (we don't buy the paper).