Oh They Went Down in Case you Doubted

About a week ago my credit card charge from Direct TV was reversed when the card company discovered how Direct TV operated without authority in taking money from my account. Since then I was getting nightly calls from Direct TV demanding I pay the balance.

Yesterday I sent Direct TV this email:

Direct TV fraudulently, illegally and without cause charged my credit card for equipment I never ordered and I was told to discard the equipment by Direct TV.

Upon discovery of the abuse my credit card company reversed the charge because Direct TV violated terms of agreement and Direct TV admitted to me and the card company that yes they instructed me to discard their equipment on October 29th 2008.

Now Direct TV is calling me to collect money I do not owe them. How can we get this stopped?

Is there someone in NC acting as agent for Direct TV that I can have a warrant served if I

 decide to file a law suit? I need and address and name.

I got a call last night from a very sober and polite person apologizing from Direct TV with a promise to restore their ill gotten gains to my account now. Then the following email came in:

Confirmation: DIRECTV® Service Credit

Acct # blablabla

This email confirms that a credit of $240.00 has been applied to your DIRECTV account.

We recommend that you keep a copy of this e-mail for your records.

Victory! Sweet victory. 

Special bonus post: One of my friends insists I was copying a Star Wars character to get sympathy.  


Rock Chef said...

Well done sorting out that company!

Love the photos too!

Ken said...

Well done. Still a royal pain in the ass isn't it?
These days you really have to keep a close eye, or two, on all transactions that you don't actually look the person in the eye.

CarmenSinCity said...

Very nice!!!!!!! That's an awesome victory. You must be proud!!

terri said...

Excellent! Now be sure to keep an eye on your credit report - all three major bureaus - and make sure any derogatory reportings are removed immediately.

Anonymous said...

If that Star Wars character had a few more eyes and your moxie, he'd be a rival for consumer gorilla tactics like yours.

Good for you and yes, add this crap to the days' detritus as if there wasn't enough to watch over!

Bretthead said...

I'm calling you next time I have to deal with any customer service people!!

Ali said...

Ahahahahahahaaaaaa! The resemblance is uncanny!

And nice job on making DT pay - literally :)