Want to Take a Cat to St Croix Anyone?

Yesterday I was cruising home from work staring lovingly at my brand new fancy smancy iPhone when the distinctive “quack” ringtone came quacking in with a caller ID of 305.


I answered the phone and this woman starting talking to me and asked me if I was going to St Croix in the next few weeks. She explained that we had met in June at the island airport and how wonderfully nice Gigi and I had been to her.

She further explained she was the woman with the lost cat that ended up in Puerto Rico for 14 hours before it was delivered back to her.

Now my memory kicks in.

You see my wife Gigi has the gift of communication. She will talk to anyone or anything. She has never met a stranger.

I remember this lady on the phone now. Back in June she was hysterical at baggage claim in St Croix that her cat apparently didn’t make the flight. For whatever reason she couldn’t take the cat in the cabin because she already had 2 carry-ons so she had to check the cat in baggage. Her worst nightmare had come true. Her cat was lost.

Gigi comforted her and offered next time to take the cat if we passed through Miami. Gigi gave her my business card.  

I told the lady on the phone that yes I was going to the island in 10 days but on a direct flight from Charlotte. I did offer to take the cat for her when I go back in June.

She asked if I knew anyone who could take the cat and she would gladly pay the round trip ticket from Miami to St Croix.

Any takers out there for a round trip from Miami to St Croix with a cat?  


Judy said...

That sounds like GiGi. She is sweet.
I don't think Tom would survive the trip with his cat allergies.
Mal promised to give me his rum cake recipe!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! What a deal. Wish I could take that offer!!!

terri said...

Tempting offer... I wish I could swing it!

CarmenSinCity said...

Ummmm - I'm jobless right now. I should do it.

Rock Chef said...

I would have thought Terri would jump at that! Nice and warm, no ice...

Stacy said...

I wish I could go.

MELackey said...

Seems like an extreme measure to take the cat on vacation. I'd just hire a pet sitter...