Okay mothers and fathers gather round your children to see what drugs can do to a man. This photo is me in the hospital yesterday having a severe reaction to an ace inhibitor drug I have taken for high blood pressure for over two months.

I swear this is untouched by photo shop or some morphing software. This is me around 1 PM yesterday.
Yesterday I woke up and my gums and teeth were numb. In a few minutes my lips began to swell.
I drove to the same ER I went to 3 weeks ago to get my thumb sewed up and they admitted me immediately.
The attending physician looked at my chart and immediately recognized what was going on. He praised me for coming in because this could be life threatening unless we began treatment now.
I was given intravenous doses of steroids, Benadryl and pepsid, along with an adrenalin chaser. All this every six hours until noon today.
My face has shrunk to just plumpness and I felt fine the whole time except for the Benadryl buzzes and followed by a brief power nap.
Live and learn.

man, people pay piles of money at halloween to get masks that look exactly like that.
Glad to hear you are better now.
OMG, you looked like Howdy Doody!
Glad you're okay now, though!
Good point Melacky.
Damn I do look like Howdy Doody!
Gigi thought I looked like Victoria Principal after her lip injections.
I can't help but giggle :) I'm sorry!
You look so...cute. Like a cartoon version of yourself, with some collagen injections :)
The fact that you actually took a picture of yourself and posted it is a testament to your blogger-dedication. Man, that looks like it would hurt. Glad it didn't!
Holy Puff Face Batman!
Dang! That's a big face!
Actually Terri, Gigi walked in my room and busted out laughing and took copious pictures.
The smile on your face screams "Benedryl buzz."
Classic. If I were there, I would have laughed too.
I'm glad you drove to the hospital at the first sign of trouble.
Since we all know you're okay I guess it's okay to laugh just a little, right?
Kind of a close call though. Glad they knew what was going on and got after it so quickly.
Gosh Wreggie...I'm soooo glad you are okay. whew...I bet your honey was a little beside herself there for a moment or two. ack. Get good sleep.xoxo
did the dogs bark at the strange clown lipped guy?
Oh yeah, feel free to laugh your ass off Jay. I did every time I looked in the mirror.
I never hurt or had any discomfort, I just looked freaky.
Two things I could never get a straight answer on was, will this move to my throat, and how long will this last?
It never did move to my throat and made its last stand on my bottom lip and by today it is almost gone.
Holy crackamoly, Wreggie! You look cartoonish! SO glad you got to the ER and got it all taken care of before it got too serious, though!
Everyone's comments have me laughing my head off! Gosh that picture is so strange!! I am so glad you are ok. I was worried about you!!!
You look goofier than Ned's Ass!
Nice new profile pic too :)
What a way to start the year! I guess it can only get better!
just realized who you looked like. It's that Cat Woman that had too many plastic surgeries...
Wow, that was some nice photoshopping. I'm not sure which picture I like better.
But I thought just a couple of freckles on those chubby cheeks (Gigi could have used her lip or eye-liner), and a striped shirt with suspenders
And those are certainly chubbier cheeks than the ones that the salty tears roll down when you head to the Henry E. Rohlson Airport. Your tears would definitely evaporate before hitting your chin
Looks like you have to be almost dead of anaphylactic shock to get 19 comments on your blog.
It's really astute of you to take yourself to the ER and not mess around.
You have serious vacationing coming up.
So glad it wasn't serious (er ).
And it does take a healthy ego to post that photo.
Betcha Gigi wouldn't.
Thanks Bonnie...the doctor made a big deal about my decision on coming in. He said this could have been life threatening and fortunately it wasn't.
The picture was too good not to post.
that is crazy dude! glad you're ok now!
I'm sorry I clicked on funny, because really it's not, but you have to admit, the pic is quite hilarious!! Hope you're doing better!
Thanks Ali Kat...I feel near normal and look much better. The only weird feeling now is adjusting to new meds.
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