Mighty Fine Plane

It was the most fantastic, futuristic catamaran airplane that I had ever seen. It had clean lines and curves like I’ve come to expect from Apple products. I don’t know who manufactured and designed this plane but it was a work of art.

The whole plane was white on white with white leather seats, plush carpeting, and richly piled headliner made the inside quiet under power.

There were just hints of rich burl wood trim here and there and the lighting was soft and indirect.

Inside the air was very fresh and perfectly temperature controlled.

And it was mine. It all seemed perfectly believable and Gigi knew how to fly it.

We took off with one of the dogs for a maiden flight. I was stretched out on a large rear sofa watching the night sky from an almost silent cabin. Cedie was asleep on the floor.

One we reached cruising altitude Gigi informed me that she was going to leave the plane on auto pilot, and she would be leaving for a while to run some errands.  She entered another small cabin and undocked from our plane and went on her way.

I went in the back and fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke 8 hours later and Gigi was not back. I became worried. I could see that it was now morning and our altitude had dropped significantly. Something must be wrong.

I frantically looked for an instrument cluster or radio but none was apparent. What in the world was I going to do?

Suddenly the dog started barking and I woke up.  

Damn that was a good dream. I want a catamaran plane. 

© 2011 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.


Ken said...

That WAS a good one!

Unknown said...

Everybody knows dogs can fly planes.

Bruno said...

I want dreams like you got.

terri said...

I love this! Gigi left to run errands and you awoke 8 hours later. I wonder where in the world you were after 8 hours of flight!

Gigi probably got caught up in the after-Christmas shopping frenzy! :-)