Post 426 Finishing 2011

What a year. It all started okay and ended okay with a lot of scary stuff in the middle.

My readership is up about 65% from levels the same time last year. That is so cool. Thank you to everyone who stops by daily to read my drivel.

I took some fun trips this year.

Two of the trips were to San Francisco early in the year where I met fellow blogger Phfrankie Bondo at The Shack. A swell guy he is. He showed me how to spin a chicken and why it is worth the effort. And we drank some good wine and had lots of laughs.

I did a ton of scuba diving this past year. I finally got off shore of North Carolina on 3 dives.

We did us some great tailgating, grilling and camping this year and left the RV down in Southport.

Gigi had the surgery of all surgeries. Almost 9 hours, 20 bolts and two metal rods later she struggled to survive the first 24 hours. It was a living nightmare but we survived.

I took care of her; I ran the house, took care of the animals and worked. And I found out how great and caring some people are. It is their nature. And I found out just how useless and shallow other people are. It is their nature. Compassion doesn’t necessarily run down blood lines either.

In the end all the struggle brought Gigi and I even closer together. Throughout the recovery my theme to her was, “Don’t worry, I got your back covered.”

I let no one mistreat her, take advantage of her or give her substandard care.  

Just the other day I lost it in the pharmacy when a zit faced clerk informed me that they couldn’t fill a scrip until Tuesday because it was too soon.  I went on a tirade about wiping her face and butt, combing her hair and brushing her teeth, coaching her to breath in the hours just after the procedure, rolling her on and off a bed pan, helping her struggle to walk and now it comes down to a 20 year old telling me my wife must endure pain until Tuesday because you said so. I lost it but got the medicine she needs.  

Things are much better now but she has a very long road to recovery.

It has been a fantastic year. And thanks for stopping by. 

© 2011 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at


Judy said...

I sure hope 2012 is a great year for you both with Gigi getting better and better!!!

Judy said...

I sure hope 2012 is a great year for you both with Gigi getting better and better!!!

Ken said...

Well, seeing how most of your drivel is fun, I'll stick around!

Bic'n'I wish all the best for you and Gigi, along with all the critters, in the coming year.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, sir! I think you should make it a goal to streak once again this coming year.

Bruno said...

It's a blessing when you know your mate has your back. Keep posting the good drivel and dreams.

Best to you and Gigi, Happy New Year

Bruno said...

It's a blessing when you know your mate has your back. Keep posting the good drivel and dreams.

Best to you and Gigi, Happy New Year

terri said...

Love ya, wReggie. You've had one hell of a year and you've only proven again what a wonderful person you are.

I hope 2012 brings healing for Gigi and wonderful days for both of you.