In 1966 my dad and I were reading the Sunday paper together, and it suddenly dawned on him that it had been 25 years since the attack on Pearl Harbor . Tomorrow it will be 70 years since the attack on Pearl Harbor .
Dad sat me down many times and told me details of the attack, and what he was doing when it happened so that I could remember. It was very similar to my grand parents telling me about World War I, and The Civil War.
They all wanted me to know the reason for their outrage, and why the wars were necessary. They wanted me to know the fear that they felt. They wanted me to know the pride that they felt. They wanted me to know the sacrifices that were made for future generations.
In the end it was all war, death, and destruction. And other wars followed, and many more will follow.
I didn’t forget Dad.
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The more you think about it the more it seems that war is a natural state for humans. We can resist the urge to fight and try to talk things through, but in the end you often need to thump someone on the nose...
War is Hell.
I miss my dad.
So many hero's, some never recognized.
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