Time Warps and Anticipation

Its 57 days until my coveted winter island vacation. With travel now in sight, my mind tends to drift to island land in my dreams.

Last night I was there, Gigi and I. I walked to the dive shop to get on the morning schedule when I suddenly realized I forgot to pack my dive gear. I was panicked. I hate to rent dive gear.

Then I was transferred back a week and realized that now I had another chance to pack.    

Sunday I plan to dive for real in the quarry. It has been a long spell since I dived and I need to get some practice in. 

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Ken said...

Drifting minds and islands go well together.

Unknown said...

Kiss a paddlefish for me, will ya?

terri said...

You seem to have the ability to steer your dreams in the direction you want them to go. Wish I could do that!

Good luck with the quarry dive and stay WARM!