Norwegian Nipple Piercers

I met some interesting new people on my last trip down to St Croix. I love to hear where people are from and how they got there.

“Reggie, this is Hans, he is a professional nipple piercer from the fiords of Norway.”

“Oh really”, I say as I pull up a chair. “What brought you to St Croix?”

I know now that I am in for a one hell of an interesting story about how this guy pierced nipples on some freighter, working his way across the Atlantic. Then he lived 6 years in Canada until the government outlawed Norwegian nipple piercers, so he looked south and bla, bla, etc.

On an unrelated note…

Last night I had this really strange dream. I was a sheet rock hanger and not a very good one. For some reason I preferred to work naked. All of my work was lousy.

On the third day I was warned that I had better do better job or I would get fired, and for God’s sake, put on some pants.

What was that about?


The Mountain Cat said...

Reggie, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think you had a traumatic sheet rock incident as a child if you want my two cents. LOL.

TerryC said...

More importantly, what was the first part about?

Michael said...

Did they threaten to hire the Norwegian Nipple Piercer if you didn't shape up or put your clothes on? Or maybe to replace you.

Chris said...

I didn't know we had such a thing in Canada, even before he was banned.

As far as the naked dream goes, I'd say you want more adventure at your current job.;)

Jahooni said...

You mean all this time struggling with my career all these years, I could have just moved to Canada and pierced nipples for a living?!

Naked dreams ey? Maybe you should Vlog it. j/k Gigi **giggles**

Kuckie said...

You have some of the funniest stories, I swear! Interesting dream though...had no idea that was an actual occupation!

mr zig said...

interesting dream... ! you do have some strange dreams dude.