Oh the Joys of Spring

Cedie is our blue eyed, blue merle, three legged Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix.

She does not tolerate throat clearing or weak coughs, motors of any kind whether electric or internal combustion, or intent to start a motor like plugging in an electrical appliance or grabbing the car keys.

Now ad one more pet peeve to Cedie’s list; she despises me cheering on my favorite team.

I was watching Carolina play basketball last night and I yelled with each bucket scored only to suffer the growls and irritated looks from Cedie.

Our planned summer decent upon the coastal fishing village of Southport will be delayed a few weeks more than planned. It seems the fellow using our space will stay a little longer than planned. He is an engineer working at the nearby Brunswick Nuclear Plant.

So it looks like May instead of Mid April is when we will park the RV, boat, and Jeep down in Southport, NC.

This is actually better for us.

Finally, I have two tickets to the Saturday and Sunday round of The Masters (angelic music and light beams from heaven streaming down on the keyboard).

The Masters (angelic music and light beams from heaven streaming down on the keyboard) is to a golfer is what Mecca is to a Muslim, what Jerusalem is to a Jew, and what Vegas is to a gambler all rolled into one.

There is no other PGA golf event that compares. The best players from the world are invited to Augusta, GA every year to play in the (you know what). Cedie is starting to growl from all the angelic music and light beams.

The tickets are worth $5,000 on Stub Hub.

This is a once in a lifetime event for me so I’ll be there, with all the rich tradition of golf, the south, the azaleas, Amen Corner, pimento cheese sandwiches and beer. I can’t wait!


TerryC said...

Poor Cedie. You abuse her on purpose. Will ya cut out all the masters talk, please!

Jay said...

How did Cedie become a Louisville fan?

If you pull up at the Masters in that Jeep those snobs might not let you in. LOL ;-)

Chris said...

If I were there, I 'd join you for the Masters.
I'd want to heckle Davis Love again.

"No Love...."

Man, those guys are wussies when somebody speaks up.