Wednesday Updates

There has been no substantial improvement in the coat hanger in my lifetime. It is the same twisted wire thing of my childhood. I guess it is as good as it will ever be. I don’t know what else I could want. Maybe they should add a computer chip to it.

I get miffed when I ask someone over the phone to change my billing address and they say they can’t do it without my written permission. They can do most anything else over the phone except send my bill to the right address so I can pay it. Okay.

I was up late last night (for me) directing strong movers to my new office. These two guys got more accomplished in 5 hours than I could have done in two days with zero bitching. I would have bitched and moaned the whole time. I just paid them some money and they did the job I hate flawlessly.

Thursday and Friday are doing to be glorious days for weather here. My soul is beckoning me to head back to the lake or golf course one of those two days. I must unpack all the crap I just moved. I need to bust my butt today so I can make that happen.

I have this stately new chair arrangement in my new office. I feel like Alistair Cooke sitting there.


Anonymous said...

Can't change your billing address over the phone? We do it at work all the time! All a company needs to do is have some type of security question tied to your account to confirm that you are who you say you are! Stupid.

I'm glad you're getting some good weather. I know you're itching to go golfing again! There's snow in the forecast here, for my day off tomorrow but I'm not letting it get to me. I know in a few weeks spring will be here.

Michael said...

My favorite is when the phone company [or your hated utility of choice] refuses to change the billing name or address over to you without the written consent of the previous customer at your particular locale. You know, I can't start paying so-n-so's bill, until they have proof that he doesn't want to pay it anymore himself, even if he's been dead for two years. But if so-n-so signs a paper saying he doesn't want to pay his bill anymore, send it to me instead, then that's OK.

Another great one is credit card acceptance over the phone. For a couple years we had a problem with stateside companies not wanting to accept credit cards with billing addresses in the Virgin Islands, even if the issuing bank is in the states. I once had a sales rep ask me if I knew someone in the states whose card I could use. Blew my mind. I couldn't pay with a credit card, in my name, whose bill is mailed to me, at my address, where i live. But I could pay with someone else's credit card, as long as that person's bill is sent to them, anywhere in the continental US, thousands of miles from me. Does that make ANY sense? I wanted to tell the guy, "hold on, let me roll a passing tourist".

Anonymous said...

I just had to look up who the hell Alistair Cooke was :)

Logzie said...

I hear ya!! I had to fill out FIVE forms at the doctor's office yesterday...just to change our address!!! One for each person in our family and each form had to have EVERYTHING all over info, social security #'s, EVERYTHING! I was so irritated!