2 Days Off

We are in for another 4 day cold/rain/fog blast ending with severe thunderstorms and wind. Such is spring in the south.

Yesterday I played golf in the cold rain with the only person who could be considered my boss. I call him a boss because he alone could step on my air hose should the need arise and end my job and worse yet my career.

So I treat him with respect but he is actually a good friend and mentor. Yes people in their early 50’s still have mentors. There is always room for improvement.

Upon seeing the forecast for golf I went out to Dick’s and bought a golf rain suit and rain gloves.

I don’t usually play in the rain but will if it is light rain.

Sure as shit we tee off on number one and it begins to rain. I whoop out my spiffy new rain suit and gloves and I am warm and dry and continue a decent game.

By number 6 the others look like wet dogs and play was halted.

Any way I took the rest of the day off and actually I’m taking today off as well. I needed a rest after the stress of the audit.

Today, I’m going to get a massage, lunch with Gigi at the club and get a haircut.

The mother in law will be in this evening for the weekend. My epileptic dog has already started turning circles at her impending arrival.


none said...

Golf in the rain actually sounds pretty good. It's usually so hot here that it would be a nice change.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I had a dog with epilepsy and I found that valerian root extract stopped his seizures completely.

terri said...

You are a brave soul, golfing in the rain. I won't golf in the rain. It would mess up my hair.

Ali said...

Does mini-putt in the rain still make me cool? I'm scared to try "grown-up" golf.

I'm going to get a haircut today too - just trying to decide on what colour I'm going to put in it...I'm thinking auburn, how about you?

And, LOL, at the dog turning in circles about the impending visit from your MIL. Good luck with that ;)

Anonymous said...

I'd expect you to chug some caffeine and stay awake for the 10pm Duke tip-off.

Heck if you are too tired tomorrow just take the day off :)

Chris said...

Did you golf at the club or the course that we "owned"?!?!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

We played at Fort Mill Golf Club which is very similar in age to my course.