Sorry You Died Guys

I hate it when I discover an entertainer I really like and discover that they are dead.

This has happened to me twice this year.

The first is a comedian by the name of Mitch Hedberg. He is a very funny dude that I started hearing on Raw Dog satellite radio. So I Googled him and found out he died in 2005.

So much for any new material but he left me an abundance of funny stuff to keep me busy for a long time. Thank you Mitch.

The second entertainer is a musician named Stevie Ray Vaughn. Man can that guy play a guitar is an understatement.

I listen to Texas Flood and just melt into the blues.

Sorry guys…I didn’t appreciate you when you were alive.


terri said...

Mitch Hedberg was a native Minnesotan. I had just become aware of him shortly before he died. Sad.

none said...

Me too I didn't hear him until I heard some comedy Mp3's right after he died. Funny dude.

Vaughn I did know about..his death was big news around here.

Ken said...

Times up!

Chris said...

One of Mitch's best lines is "What does a sesame seed grow into? Nobody ever gives it a chance.."

One of my favorite comedians.
You should also check out Mitch Fatel.

Jay said...

I was in college when SRV died, so I remember everyone playing some of his music to honor him on the day of his funeral. I admit I didn't really appreciate him that much until after his death either.

Stacy said...

we saw mitch one time. He was totally stoned and funny as hell

Anonymous said...

We used to sit and Tipitina's in New Orleans and listen to SVR music. I remember one night we were in line to go in, go the door at Tip's and there was a 9 buck cover to get in...We about peed ourselves while simluatneoulsy shouting who the F is Aaron freaking Neville???sigh...we were so young and stupid...we found out who he was the next weekend when we saw him on the Tonight Show...doh.