
I drove to a wedding this weekend in Baltimore Maryland. It was my last nephew to give in and he finally jumped the broom at 30 something.

The wedding was nice and it is always good to see family.

But the driving was to be 500 miles each way. It was a distance that makes me consider air travel.

I reasoned that the weather was nice and a good road trip can be good for the soul. Plus air fare for both of us was around $450 plus airport hassles and this money could be squandered in more fun ways than flying to Baltimore.

We decide to break the trip going up with a stopover in Richmond. That was fun. We stayed at a nice hotel in downtown, ate a fancy dinner, and ordered room service for breakfast.

There, that was $300 spent of the airfare and it was a discounted rate because of the recession. Plus we got some good time together to laugh and bond.

On to Baltimore and the wedding…..

Coming back we did it all in one run. I did fine, we talked listen to the radio, talked some more and the finally pulled in the driveway around 5 PM.

I then started a crashing mode that literally had me in bed by 6:30 PM and here I just woke up at 6:30 AM. Wow, 12 hours of deep restful sleep.

One cool dream I remember was that I was on my deck looking around and noticed a body of water for the first time. It had been obscured by a bush for the past 20 years. I brought out my shears to cut back the bush and it threatened me with bodily harm if I took to cutting on her.

I cut it down to a stump. I’m not having a bush threatening me I thought.


Anonymous said...

It was great to see everyone this weekend. We had an outstanding time and look forward to seeing you all again soon!!

Rock Chef said...

That is a strange dream! I have never been threatened by a bush before either!

Ken said...

Sounds like a good family time.
I fought bushes all weekend long. Some while clearing trail and most at my place cutting down sprouting trees that grow much to fast.
Now, can you guess how many ticks I have pulled off my body in the last three days? Do you have ticks in your dreams?

TerryC said...

Hmmmm.....very interesting dream.

If I were into dream interpretation, I'd have some interesting comments.

Michael said...

I don't know what country you've been living in, but I've had Bushes threatening me on and off for the past two decades ;)

none said...

That's a long drive. I can do 350 miles easy but that last 150 kicks my butt.

Glad you had a good time.

CarmenSinCity said...

I grew up in Baltimore! I miss the Maryland Crabs. Did you guys have a nice crab feast while you were there??

terri said...

That must have been one crazy big bush to hide an entire body of water!