Monday Briefing

The Obama administration has told GM to prepare for bankruptcy. It looks like Ronald Reagan’s record of union busting will be broken by a long shot.

I bet the unions didn’t see this coming last November when they supported our current President.

One tip….run, don’t walk to the bank if you need to borrow money. Now is the lowest rate you will see for decades once this budget spending comes back to haunt us. Prepare for days of Jimmy Carter and 17% prime rates. You’ll be glad you locked in at 4 7/8% fixed.

Hooray for the US Navy in rescuing a civilian hostage from the Somali pirates. I couldn’t understand why the sharpshooters didn’t have laser pointers on their thieving foreheads from minute one.

I see a business opportunity with armed and paid gunboats to escort ships. I could round up enough crazy rednecks itching to shoot something to staff half dozen boats myself.


Anonymous said...

Wreg, I am not sure Origami II would last out there leading a ship to safety :(

none said...

We could have pirate hunting cruises. I can imagine all the luxury cabin's having a gun port.

Stacy said...

yeah I wondered what took so long

Rock Chef said...

Pirates - I am amazed that the insurance companies continue to pay the ransoms to these guys. And they say that they aren't terrorists, but do they know where these millions of dollars are going?

Obama. Hm, my wife has a theory...

Ken said...

Saw it coming way before Obama by a year or so. We locked in very low back then. Were feeling pretty smug!

Good idea on the escort service.....anything I can do (from here) to help?

MELackey said...

maybe all of us could charter a ship and wait for the pirates to show up... Think of the ship like a deerstand for hunting pirates. You just go out there and sit in it waiting for them to come by.

Rock Chef said...

MELackey - I was thinking the same thing the other day - they used them in both world wars for fighting submarines, called them Q Ships. Looked like a normal freighter until they uncovered the guns...