Life's Failures

It had to happen. No successful endeavor can go on perfectly without a failure. We learn from failures.

I was tripped by a herding border collie upon completion of these beautiful stuffed butterfly shrimp. The pan fell face down. The stuffing provided a soft pillow of protection from the floor.

I salvaged the shrimp sans the stuffing and proceed to have grilled shrimp rather than stuffed shrimp.     

It was wonderful.    

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Unknown said...

...not to mention what appears to be zuccini and what appears to be a sausage patty.

here's what I do: I peel the young zuccini on its ribs, creating stripes. Then I cut the zuccini in quarters, lengthwise, like pickle spears. Then I drizzle them with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then grill.

mmmmmmmmmm, shrimp.

terri said...

Well, if there has to be such a failure, at least it wasn't complete and total. Glad you were still able to enjoy the shrimp!

MELackey said...

was the offending Border Collie allowed to enjoy the tainted stuffing?