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Because she is doing so well, the discharge date for Gigi has been moved to this coming Friday from next Tuesday. This news forced me to get my ass moving to make the home handicap friendly.

I spend my Wednesday getting the house ready by opening wide paths for a walker and doing some general cleaning. Opening wide paths involved moving some furniture and sending some stuff off to storage site I rented last week.

The hospital ordered walkers, wheel chair, shower accessories, various gadgets and suggested we get a taller toilet with a bidet.

I have never used a bidet. Acting upon doctors orders I went out and bought a new fancy toilet with a bidet at Lowes.

Without getting too detailed and personal, the experience was like using a power washer on the nether lands. It is cold but cleansing. A strange sensation indeed. 

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Rock Chef said...

Excellent news!

Your bachelor days are over again :-)

Ken said...

Great news about Gigi.

You know, even the poorest home in Butera has a bidet. It's a standard bathroom fixture.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Mic....don't know why Americans are so slow to adopt to it. I'm sold.

Unknown said...

Good news on all fronts (or should I say backsides?)

Rock Chef said...

Big day today! Wishing you both the best!