A Good McMuffin is Hard to Come By

Once a week or so I get a McDonalds Egg McMuffin on the way to work. I like Egg McMuffins. They are a nice shot of protein with minimal grease and calories.

There is only one McDonalds that I pass on the way to work and it is in a very dangerous part of town at Albemarle Rd. and Farm Pond Lane. So dangerous is this area that I can recall five shootings and four deaths at this intersection in recent years.

Two shooting were in the parking lot of the McDonalds I visit weekly.

There have been countless robberies and assaults in this area so basically I would declare this area lawless.

But a good Egg McMuffin is hard to come by so weekly I take out my .38 revolver to cover myself (I’m not kidding) and go to the drive thru for my breakfast.

Just a side note: When I travel to St Croix people often ask if it is safe down there. I respond by asking, “Safe as what? Albemarle and Farm Pond? The Green Zone in Bagdad?”

Anyway, what I find funny is when I leave the McDonalds there is a “no turn on red” sign at the light that everyone obeys. Yes, in the lawless area everyone obeys a written law.

Maybe they should post other signs, “Do not shoot humans in the parking lot”.


Anonymous said...

You know you can actually make a pretty good Egg McMuffin at home.

Oh and not die at the same time :)

How is this service at this McDonalds?

Did you also know that the inventor of the Egg McMuffin recently died? Yup, RIP George P McMuffin :(

Jay said...

Sometimes you just gotta take the risk to get your egg mcmuffin. I used to stop at a Wendy's in San Antonio once a week after work. I like my routines.

Anyway, I would always buy a chicken sandwich for the hooker working the parking lot. I figured at least she'd eat and her friends with the automatic weapons would think I'm a nice guy. It was a win-win situation.

Doc said...

Did someone name today Mcdonald's Friday? we have a McDonalds post today too... anyway my real comment is WTF are you doing over there on that part of Albemarle Rd? When I was growing up here that was a decent part of town... My old favorite resteraunt "Daryls" used to be close by there... BUT damn, these days that area is rough. you have to have a better McDonalds than that you can go to Reg...

Doc said...

Forgot to add... Thats why I moved to Kannapolis to get away from over by there.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Excellent service at this McDonald's. It is a franchise. It is the McDonald's I had in mind when I commented on your blog. Fast, great service, friendly, good food, but a higher than usual chance of getting shot.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

That is my main artery into Charlotte from Midland. Take a left on Sharon Amity and it dumps out at Southpark.

There is a fancy MCD at Southpark, a two story job but I can't maneuver my F350 truck in that tiny lot.

Anonymous said...

Is any place really safe anymore? We live where we do because it's outside of the city and supposedly somewhat removed from the more dangerous areas. BUT... there have been several reports of homes where the owners were caught running meth labs in our area.

Doc said...

Ha, You must live out by my folks... They live off 24-27 on the way to Midland. I am trying to think of another Micky Ds on your commute in and can't think of one... There is one at Idewild and Independence that you could get to by going left on harris blvd off 24-27 and right on idewild - Idewild turns into Rama which turns into Fairview... Voila, SouthPark

Jahooni said...

you really are kidding about eating mcmuffins for breakfast right? ewwwy.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Yes, don't be silly. Lean Canadian bacon, dry-ass English muffin, (so far very international), a poached eggs, and a slice of American Cheese.

We get the Americans, the Brits, and the Canadians to come together for this breakfast treat along with a local chicken.

Logzie said...

Hilarious about the sign...LOL!! I always thought that was funny too...to actually think that a 'sign' was going to change someones mind.