Oh my…Peaches has the perfect storm of dog gas this morning. I actually think she is proud. Oh my…somebody open a window.
This afternoon I roll down to the coast with Haley and the Jeep in tow. I am planning to put up the dog ramp I built last week, repair the sewer valve and other odds and ends.
This morning I got five bales of fresh cut hay from our local supplier. The horses literally drooled when I unloaded it.
Did you see the storey about the lost parrot that told the vet his address? How smart is that bird?
My partner at work has a salt water aquarium and added a shrimp a few weeks ago. That little shrimp has the best personality. He thinks he owns that tank.
It makes me feel a bit guilty for all the shrimp I’ve eaten….I’ll get over it though.
Could I get a salt water tank of just shrimp and Blue Crabs and raise them to one day be my tastey meal?
Dog gas is the worst. Most of the time, Shelby is completely unaware that she's choking us to death with her flatulence. Once in a while though, she entertains us by scaring herself and contemplating her butt region with a look that says, "What the heck?"
I'm not sure if its the food we give em, or attitude. The little dog had a gas attack a week or so ago - he rarely does, but we discovered soon after this that he had tick fever, and maybe the little buggers were to blame.
He was sitting on my lap at work and all of a sudden we're surrounded by fumes. It seemed more like people fart than dog, but I knew I didn't do it. Well, actually, I had to think a second, but I didn't think I'd done it. Then he let another one go and I knew it was him. But it was still more like people gas.
The next day or so Terry asks me "Did you just pass gas?" I hadn't, but I was in the bathroom at the time, which seemed an appropriate place, so wondered why she cared. Turns out the little guy was passing more people gas and trying to pin it on me! Hmmmmm, karma I guess, or maybe dogma.
Anyway, I can't decide if his smell more like people farts because he eats a lot of the same food we eat? Or if its because he THINKS he's a person, and acts like one.
I would never be so proper as to ask Michael if he'd just "passed gas".
I'd more likely say "Did you fart?" or "Are you cutting the cheese?"
Anyway, it was strange, because I was in the master bedroom with dahling Goliath and my beloved Michael had recently emerged from the bahth, when an horrendous odour permeated the atmosphere. It really did smell like a people fart and not a dog fart.
Too funny!
It's completely fair to fart in the bathroom...I tell Gigi this all the time. The room was specifically made for farting. Just because you are brushing your teeth.....
This is why it's important to have multiple bathrooms....
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