
I ate lunch today with someone who is not a pizza crust eater, this is a shame. It’s like blowing the foam off a beer.

In case you think I have been just sitting around breathing through my mouth the past few days, well, you are wrong. I have been busy rebuilding my sister’s web site to showcase her art. Take a look at

A few weeks back we rented a car down in Southport from Enterprise. We turned in the car and were about to leave when Gigi pointed out a crack in the speedometer. I got a bill today for $1,100 for a ¼ inch crack that I didn’t make.

She was just trying to be nice.


Judy said...

Thank you so very much for creating my website!!! You did a great Job!

Anonymous said...

The site looks great!!!

Judy is so talented!! I hope some of that rubs off onto Kailyn :)

Michael said...

Looks great! Did you ever see the finished version of my attempt at Flash? Kalima Center

TerryC said...

Great site, Wreg! I love how we can see all of Judy's lovely work on one page and then take them one at a time...

And Judy, what wonde ful stuff! I love your birds and animals (and beach scenes and.....)

Anonymous said...

Judy's site looks awesome! There's a picture called "Contentment" and one of my cats could have been a model for that painting!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Very nice work Peter going to get his site developed?

mr zig said...

nice work!