Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is about upon us and now that I have interests on the coast I’ll pay more attention than usual to the paths of storms.

My concern is for my RV just inland from the mouth of the Cape Fear River. I figure any thing less that a cat 1 i.e. tropical depression won’t alert me to move the RV.

A few years back three storms came on shore at or very near the Cape Fear. I remember the Steeple blowing off the Baptist church at least twice in one year.

So, for now it’s finally warm and humid…Wreggie weather. I need to plop on a rock and soak up the sun like an old snake.


Michael said...

Oh sure, now that the 400 foot RV is in Southport you've forgotten allllll about your friends down here in hurricane alley. ;)

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Minus the ramp and it's only 35 feet!

Anonymous said...

I have two complaints about this post.

1) You used a snake reference. A simple utter of the S word makes me have S word dreams. The fact I jsut spent a few sentences talking about the S word will make them even worse.

2) I am with Michael. YOu have one of the, if not THE, coolest nephews in this great land living in Florida yet you only take notice of hurricanes once ya move your RV to the coast!!!

I can forgive you though seeing as you are letting my fat ass ride in your paper boat in a few short weeks :)

Anonymous said...

YEAH! That's my kind of weather too. Minus the hurricanes, of course.

Michael said...

Ooh Ooh, first Tropical Storm of the Season - Arthur - Actually got started before the season, on my birthday Friday! :)

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

That doesn't count since it actually started in the Pacific, came across some little unknown country known for coffee and bananas, fired up in the gulf and got renamed.