Well it’s been six weeks now on Weight Watchers and 12 pounds are gone. If I stay on this course, I’ll be at my goal by New Years.
I feel good, and I am into a stride with this eating routine. There was body rejection at first. I had hunger spells but now I have adjusted. I crave a few things forbidden but manage the temptation.
Sweets are not a temptation for me. I would mind at all something fried, with a big old pile of mashed potatoes and a biscuit. But I easily keep that urge at bay.
I have discovered I actually like fruit.
My wardrobe is opening up again. I was at the point where I had to suck up to get on my fat pants. Now they are falling off. I feel lighter and more mobile. I can’t wait to loose the next 12 and I am there.
© 2011 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.
What is the projected date for dissappearing entirely into the vapor that is eternity?
You are making fast progress! Women everywhere are jealous, I hope you know.
What I want to know is how do you manage to keep appropriate food supplies on hand, prepare and cook healthy AND tasty meals, and still find time to work, work out, and blog? (I am having time-management issues and clearly, something always falls to the wayside.)
Terri...I do everything quickly and with great intensity. I have the advantage of controlling my work hours. When my day is done I drop like a dead fly.
Good for you! I need to do something. I have been gaining and I am ready to reverse that!
I will have to work on accomplishing my daily tasks quickly. Therein lies my problem!
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