Space Assignments Thus Far

Mission Specialist Bondo - Remote Tracking Telemetry – Bondo will be assigned the task of GPS Tracking via the Internet and confirmation of tracking telemetry prior to launch. He will then guide the recovery team, all from Mission Control back in The Delta.

Mission Specialist Mic – Recovery and Communication. – Mic will be assigned the task of communication with ground support specialist Bondo. He will also assist in recovery.  He specializes in canopy tree top recovery.

Mission Specialist Hensley – FAA Comunication, Launch and Recovery.  Hensley will be assigned the task of FAA communication prior to launch and follow up with landing information. Assists in launch and recovery.

Mission Specialist Swicegood – Payload Specialist. Provides the Swicegood command module and helps with launch and recovery. Backup specialist to recovery and communication specialist Mic.

Mission Commander Hunnicutt -   Captain of the ship, and makes all real-time critical decisions on behalf of the crew and in coordination with the Mission Control Center (Bondo).

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Ken said...

Commander Hunnicutt,
you can count on my personal best for this assignment(conditions permitting).

Unknown said...

Ask not what your commander can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your commander.

Rock Chef said...

Queue theme from 2001!