Scientist and Space Stuff

The GPS phone arrived and it appears to be a piece of shit. I will try and salvage this scam from Amazon. No charger and no sim card with a worn out used phone.

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Rock Chef said...

It probably still has more computer power than the early Saturn rockets...

Ken said...

wReggie can fix!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Oh I'm on it. I charged it with a computer cable and updated some software. I found a new Sim card for $3.97 delivered off ebay.

I am the Mic of computer stuff.

Unknown said...

...precisely why I hesitate to order anything, especially electronics, online....

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Ya gotta buy space stuff online Phfrankie. It adds to the adventure.

Unknown said...

I've got a used Saturn 5 I'll sell to ya online for a cool 3.2 mil.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Actually there are 3 Saturn 5's on the market.

Apollo 18 was turned into Skylab and 19, 20, and 21 were never assembled.

I'll shop around and let you know.