Three Things

I love eating oranges this time of year. Oranges are free food on weight watchers. I eat about four a day.

By golly I have eaten my weight in bananas since I started this weight reduction and I have found that I prefer Chiquita over Dole. The skins are thick as rhino hide on the Doles leaving less fruit. They are more difficult to peel too. I buy a bunch a day now.

And finally I love tracking a package. UPS is the best but US Postal is getting better. I sent a package out today for a Wednesday delivery. I’ll check on it tomorrow once it shows up online. 

It is better when the package is coming to me but sending one is phfun too. 

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Rock Chef said...

A friend of mine was tracking a package a while back - at one point it was at the bottom of Lake Erie! And the best thing is that was to and from UK addresses!

Unknown said...

I wonder if it is a box of banana peels and orange rinds...

terri said...

I can never seem to find "good" oranges. I do eat a lot of bananas. Checked my bunch this morning and they are Chiquitas.