I’m not sure why I am so syndical about Christmas this year. Maybe it is the fact that our family here has stripped out all traditions. There are no kids, just grouchy old people.
Last night Gigi was not feeling well at all so she went to bed early.
Gigi’s mother drove in from the coast and sat in the driveway demanding attention by blowing her horn. I jumped up to meet her to see her still sitting in the car with the overhead light on. Gigi’s family universally takes about the same time getting out of a car as the general public takes disembarking from a commercial airline.
I said to myself, screw it she’ll be another 5 minutes until she actually stands and went back inside to make final supper preparations. It takes a newborn gazelle less time to get on her feet.
Meanwhile Gigi’s dad, Larry sat on his ass and watched the world go by from his perspective.
Dinner conversation consisted of rapid fire questions from Larry. He lacks any real social skills of conversation so he zings great questions one after another to make the other person talk. I sit back and stew.
“What did you eat for breakfast? Do you exercise? How much do you weigh? Did you see the movie The Sand Pebbles? Who was in that movie? Do you have cable TV? Do you get Turner Classic Movies? Do you like to eat at Cracker Barrel? Do the Panthers play this weekend?”
This goes on until the other person is pissed off and exhausted from the questioning.
At 7:46 conversation boy heads off to bed and Charlotte and I sat down to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”. In 70 something years she has never seen the movie.
Today I expect thrills galore as the tour of grouchy old family continues with special guest appearance of her brother.
I know exactly what you mean. Too bad we can't choose our families. We have friends that we spend more time with and who feel more like family than some of our real family. I hope that they don't completely ruin your day and that you have a Merry Christmas in spite of them.
*Hugs to you and Gigi*
Thanks Terri...I found the true meaning Christmas this morning and it was an ipod itouch.
Just kidding but it is one cool gizmo. Plus it is peaceful now with all the in laws still sleeping.
I guess your in-laws don't read your blog!
Merry Christmas to y'all!
Omigod, I feel so sorry for you. I know exactly what you are going through. I don't miss those family events. I'd love to see you and Gigi, but the in-laws would have driven me to drink. I'm thinking that next year we should leave for St. Croix Christmas Day!
Good idea! We had a fairly relaxed Christmas eve day and Christmas morning. I did last minute gathering of presents (they were preordered, but nothing came in 'til the last day, and one package still didn't arrive) - Terry did some massages. Then we had dinner with T's daughter Nikki and her boyfriend Ian. So it was sort of like the in-laws, but they're younger, and better conversationalists.
This morning we slept in, had coffee with eggnog and Ginger Boy Kookie Cookie, while we listened to christmas music and opened presents.
Had a late breakfast, now we're off to Buck Island in "Origami - The Christmas Crossing".
Heck no they don't read my blog or can even turn on a computer.
Seriously we have talked about going down to the island for Christmas. I'd pitch a tent on the beach and look for turtle eggs.
Michael, have a blast. I would go swimming here but my nipples would tear through my shirt.
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