Wreg! You are trying to kill me. I watched this on my silent computer and just about fell out of my chair.
Then, I had to go over to Michael's computer to try to actually listen to it. It took FOREVER to download. And then it got stuck!! I wanted to beat up the darned computer. I nearly had fits waiting for the computer to play the rest of it....too funny!!
Border Collie guy, Wine guy, Weber grill guy, Manned Space Travel Guy, Believer, Gentleman Farmer, Go Apps! guy, Husband to the best wife. I'm a lucky guy.
Wreg! You are trying to kill me. I watched this on my silent computer and just about fell out of my chair.
Then, I had to go over to Michael's computer to try to actually listen to it. It took FOREVER to download. And then it got stuck!! I wanted to beat up the darned computer. I nearly had fits waiting for the computer to play the rest of it....too funny!!
That was a good one wasn't it? Peter as the banker, Tom as the cab driver, and all the big heads.
My head is so big in real life that it barely fit in the frame. Gigi said, "You're bald!"
That was hilaroius!!
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