The Beast

This past weekend, I bought 4 aluminum Jeep wheels with tires on Craig’s List. The wheels were brushed aluminum with some big 30 inch tires. The kid I bought them from was a little rich lid who was upgrading his wheels to some higher end stuff. Two of the tires were shot. Two tires were good.

I dropped the four wheels off at my tire dealer on Monday and told him to get me two new tires and balance all four.

I dropped by this afternoon and had all four installed on the jeep. They look bitchin’! Now my little jeep has an attitude. It looks so good.

I have never mentioned this before but Gigi and I always name all our vehicles. I know Ali does this too. Gigi’s 4Runner is Rocky. My F350 Ford is Big Red.

Today the Jeep shall officially be referred to as, “The Beast”.

The beast is an overstatement obliviously for a tough looking little Jeep. The Beast is also the name of a road on St Croix that runs from the north shore over a small mountain toward the rain forest.

I feel good with the name, The Beast.


Ali said...

Awesome - it's a perfect name - now own it!

mr zig said...

so when do we get to see pictures of "the beast"? -

MELackey said...

If course, this post is worthless without pictures...