More Sick News

I’ll take just a moment between rushes of fever to update you.

First, I have instructed Gigi to not allow an open casket viewing in the event of my death; what with the eyebrow incident and all. I look hideous.

I went to the doctor yesterday as instructed, and I kept my word about further checkups. June 11, and the doctor will have his way with me.

I insisted on going to the doctor by myself which was a big mistake. I was way to sick to be doing this on my own.

I sat in the exam room trembling like a Chihuahua at the vet waiting to get neutered. I felt terrible…just like ass. The nurse finally came in and took my vitals. My blood pressure was very elevated and my pulse was very high. The doctor told me I was sick and there is nothing he could do except treat the symptoms. I knew that. So I left with a prescription for high blood pressure and a cough suppressant.


Anonymous said...

Funny post. I don't know how you make being sick funny but you do.
I sure hope you feel better soon and I hope the eyebrow grows fast.

Logzie said...

Ditto to what Judy said!

You are hilarious!

I too hope you are feeling back to yourself soon! You waited so long for this nice weather, it's just wrong for you to be sick NOW. :0)

Ali said...

I am so sorry that you are feeling miserable. But is it wrong if I have just a little bit of happiness that when you explain how sick you are you say you feel "just like ass"?
Because it does give me happiness - just a little - but it does...

Amos said...

Man, I hope you do get feeling better. This weather is awesome and you need to be golfing in it! Glad you went to see the doc and that everything will be under control now.

Friendly Manitoban said...

Poor Reggie. I hope you feel better soon :)

Chris said...

Please tell me that the highlight of your day was being assessed by the nurse. Make sure you take all those pills now. It's the meds that will fix you up. :)

Anonymous said...

Bummer about being sick, Reg, we will send you warm thoughts, and remember.....just 89 days until you return (that's too many). We have been to America and back and will tell you all about our "Adventures in Arkansas" soon.
Hope Gigi was able to enjoy her birthday despite the eyebrow and sick husband incidents....We love you both!!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Actually Chris...she was a student nurse...quite lovely. But she treated me like I was her Grandpa.