3 Things That Irritate Me

I get irritated when someone says they don’t believe in something that is a fact of life. I had a neighbor once that declared he didn’t believe in taking a dog to the vet. What is there to believe in? You’re just a cheap ass and don’t care about your dogs health would be a more accurate statement.

I hate these Charles Schwab TV commercials where the cartoon people talk about their investments. It’s creepy. They look like paint by numbers.

I really hate those TV commercials where they make people look like food. I’m mad just typing the thought.


Anonymous said...

I would like to see Viagra get in on the commercials that look like food. Maybe a guy on one side, a banana on the other?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Or you could have one of those oil well pumps going on in the background. Better yet, a jack hammer.

Jay said...

That old lady looks good enough to eat.

none said...

Even worse are the life insurance commercials where the lady is thinking to herself "what am I going to do when hubert dies?"

Actually I hate all commercials except for the ones on Superbowl sunday.

Jahooni said...

Reggie Reggie Reggie... what would I do without you in my life reminding me on a daily basis of all the irritating stuff out there in this big ol' world.

Do what I do: change the channel while on commercials!

TerryC said...

I am so glad I don't have to get irritated about TV commercials. No TV, no problem, mon!

What irritates the crap out of me is when someone tries to tell me how to live my life. What? Just because they're older and they feel entitled to share their endless wisdom with me?

Oh, pahleez!

Anonymous said...

I think you need a vacation.

DocMtCat said...

You are 100% correct about those Vytorin commercials.
