I picked up a side view mirror that will work with the doors off. It fits in the hinge hole. I now have a bikini top (for the Jeep). Plus my ipod plugs into the radio. How cool is that?
Border Collie guy, Wine guy, Weber grill guy, Manned Space Travel Guy, Believer, Gentleman Farmer, Go Apps! guy, Husband to the best wife. I'm a lucky guy.
Woohoo! Looks pretty hot!
I picked up a side view mirror that will work with the doors off. It fits in the hinge hole. I now have a bikini top (for the Jeep). Plus my ipod plugs into the radio. How cool is that?
Come on sweet summer!
What? No bikini top for you?
"Testicules" .. hahaha .. great name for the jeep.
I'm with Jay... that sure is a ballsy name to give the Jeep. ;-)
Ooooooh PRETTY.... ummm, I mean.... Ooooooh BAD ASS!
What a sweet ride, and you already have the hot chic to ride in it with you! Double score!
Yep it looks mean alright :)
C'mon Reggie, GREEN zip-ties for the 6-way? No black, or red?
Just picking. You've sure made that thing look nice.
proud daddy ;-)
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