Orientation Sunday

We had orientation this afternoon for the kids.

One problem with traveling out of the country is we have 9 animals that need care while we are gone.

We found a young lady who will house sit and entertain the animals while she goes to college and we play 1800 miles away. She will stay at our home just to keep an eye on everything.

Down on the island I think I will change things around blogwise. The past few years I have run a small webcam while on the island of St Croix. I think this year however I will try something different. I plan to use video blogs, photos and text instead of a live cam.

The live cam just sucks up too much bandwidth and I don’t think many people were looking at it anyway. It will be more fun making videos anyway.


Anonymous said...

I really love the videos. I can't wait to see how much you're enjoying your vacation.

Michael said...

I think video blogs would be fun. You have so many things planned, you'll hardly be around the villa for a mini-web-cam anyway.

However, maybe we should set it up at the house for the Thursday night dinner. Your readers around the world could join us for the Greek Dinner. I have the cam you brought down for the restaurant. It could be the pilot broadcast for "Pickle-Vision"!

You've already got the software on your laptop to post the images, right?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Pickle Vision sounds nice.

Yes, we could pull that off I think.

Michael said...

BTW - the "Origami" vinyl lettering sounds great. Our boat is sort of off-white, so the individual letters on the backing paper are probably best. We'll figure out something to do with the spare. We were thinking maybe making a miniature Origami and pasting it on there and hanging it in The Greek.

We saw V-Commodore Mallory today and reminded him of his offer to take us all to Buck. Its a go - he said we just need to remind him every 24 hours. He can take us out to the trail area and over to the beach. Suggested we leave about 10-10:30 if we want to include the trail area.

Jay said...

I love live cams. I look at cams all over the world all the time. Lots of fun.

But, the videos will be a lot of fun too. And a lot easier for you.

Anonymous said...

I like the videos! If I liked the way I looked or talked I'd do some myself. Maybe one day.

I am excited to see your trip this year and follow you around the island (internetly at least)

Maybe next February Rhonda and I can join you if that is ok! We'll start saving now.

Judy said...

Wait a minute! I am not so sure I want you putting videos of all of us out there without our approval! Don't plan on making us uncomfortable with that. No candid videos! Seriously!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Oh no, never have and never will put someone on line against their will.