Somehow I found documents from 1840 and 1879 where my ancestors had offered to sell the property in exchange for rum. These documents proved that my family owned it at one time and since there was no evidence that the sale took place then the property was mine.
I went out to it and there was a grassy steep hill on the east end and the water was clear and blue with dolphins swimming happily. There was a strong warm wind blowing.
On the west end it was rocky and sharks swarmed in the water.
Now my question, what in the hell was that dream all about?
I think it just means you are damn ready for that vacation of yours!!!
perhaps your home brew had a reaction to the turnip greens and black-eyes?
Hmmmmm. The east seems to be giving off positive and warm vibes while the west seems to be problematic. Do you currently have any problems west of you that need tending to ?
-Shane (doc)
(btw - your ancestors appear to have been lushes) ;-)
It's a sign, go check the hall of records ;)
you are being buried there or your ashes will go there right? addiction is what I call that island of yours...
Last night my dream was that I was trying to locate my best friends mother at a nudest colony (she is not a nudest) but we were certain she went there and I had my dog with me that kept sniffing people's butts. Seriously.
How weird is that? Maybe I should blog about it.
I am with Melackey on this one! LOL!!
Jahooni...too funny!
Sorry to be the one to inform you, Wreg, but Green Cay is NOT uninhabited. It is one of the few protected areas that are home to the endangered "St. Croix Ground Lizard".
So, even if you had title to it, you could do nothing with the land except to worship the lizard (not really a bad way to use property in my humble yankee opinion).
If it's not too choppy, maybe we can take you swimming around the island when you're here in a few weeks. It's a fun swim :)!
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