Dive 66

We planned this Sunday morning dive last week, when the forecast called for warm and sunny temperatures in the mid 60’s. A few days ago that forecast changed drastically.

I arrived at the quarry at 9 AM and the other 3 guys were already there and suited up.

The wind was howling and the temperature was 30. We all suited up, and the many layers made the change comfortable under the circumstances.

My friend from the dive shop brought me a steel tank with 120 CF. I usually dive an aluminum 80 CF tank. The steel was much heavier which means I needed less weight. It also held a lot more air.  

We planed the dive place and depth, all to try and see the paddlefish.

After a 47 minute dive I still had 1/3 of my tank with air. I could have gone another 15 minutes. I may have to buy a steel tank.

Wherever the paddlefish were, they decided to move elsewhere in the quarry. We didn’t even see a paddle fish turd.  

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Unknown said...

Well, don't feel too bad: paddlefish turds are notoriously tiny and sometimes even translucent.