Outdoor Space

The long rows of winter are on us. Long dark nights followed by dreary days. Thankfully the cold has spared us so far.

My old pal Peaches enjoying the
last deck referb 10 plus years ago.
I am about to begin a back deck/yard upgrade. This weekend I will have a mason come in and grade and prepare the plot between my deck and guest house to receive a rather large patio made of pavers.

Then I’ll set my fireplace out there after a few modifications Mic recommended, and make this an outdoor living area and transition between the two structures.

After that I will remake the deck. It needs to be resurfaced badly. In addition I want to build new railings and features to bring about a better entrainment place for me to cook and serve food.

Part of my plans calls for me into shaming my old contractor into an encore production and build me a matching shelter over a part of the deck that matches the shelter he built last year. He is the same guy that did all the work on my home last year along with the now famous chicken coop. He reads this blog so I consider my shaming done now. I’ll see if he takes the bait.   

All this would be nice to have in place by Spring.

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Rock Chef said...

Wow, sounds like you will be busy! Looking forward to photos, of course!

Unknown said...

Everyone wants everthing done by spring.

terri said...

I always wanted to make a patio of pavers in our back yard. Mark won't let me. Yours is going to look good! (That is, assuming you've successfully shamed your contractor into doing the additional work!)

Ken said...

You just might have to dangle a bigger piece of bait to get it all done by spring. Wait....did you dangle any bait?

Bruno said...

Looks like Peaches liked to relax to good music and a good glass of wine. God bless our dog pals.