So what do I look for in this familiar live cam picture?

1. My favorite Dive Boat. I can watch them load and unload.

2. The snorkel boat to Buck Island, Captain Big Beard.

3. The town Square. The town Square is very small on St Croix….and it is yellow.

4. Street light. It is a gathering place at night. I put the red tape on the pole just to say I was there. It was September of 09 when I defaced public property.

5.  A great sitting place to chat away and have a beer. Yes you can carry an open container around town. How nice.

6. Another great sitting/beer spot.

7. The Deck Bar. This handy little bar dispenses cold drinks to passers by.

8. Coconut tree. I watch the palms blowing in the wind. I see it grow every year. It is my adopted tree.

9. Trash. I can tell just how much partying went on the night before by how many beer cans and cigarette butts are stashed here.

10. Where the tourists stand to talk to folks back home while they view them from back home on the live cam. 

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Judy said...

I love that spot too. So familiar. I can't believe I will not be there this year. I am trying not to think about it.

Judy said...

I love that spot too. So familiar. I can't believe I will not be there this year. I am trying not to think about it.

terri said...

What a great way to stay in touch with the island.