Night Life

Yesterday was so warm here. I got together with some buddies and played the Old Goat Ranch golf course up in Concord, NC, also affectionate known as Snake Haven Golf Club. It’s a raunchy old place but we enjoy cutting up and laughing every year during the Goat Ranch Classic as it has become to be known as. The locker room is a dark dank open place with a very low ceiling and no lighting except for the sunlight coming in the one window. On the wall of this locker room is one very dirty urinal. But enough about these fine facilities, lets talk about the day.

By ten AM we were shucking off the clothes to stay cool and by 11 AM we were complaining about the heat. My partner Don, and I’m not making this up, was busy about 10:30 eating a blueberry pop tart and drinking scotch from a flask. To each his own I guess.

I came home in the afternoon for a 45 minute power nap to get ready for the evening.

We planned to go into the city with another couple that evening for dinner after paying respects to a friend whose mother just died. Nothing like a wake and dinner to get the middle aged heart pumping on Friday night.

So we stopped by the funeral home, gave our condolences and decide where to eat.

Charlotte has become a big city with big night life. All four of us are long term married folks that go to bed early and get up early. A late night for us is to watch the first half of Monday Night Football on TV from bed.

We were determined to have fun but ruled out downtown since there was a Charlotte Bobcat game at home and some big concert going on at Belk Theater. Parking would be a nightmare and the restaurants and taverns would be packed. So we headed to Southpark where my office is. Southpark is a nice large upscale business area with ditto of all the trendy new restaurants that you find downtown. All of the establishments we checked had at least an hour wait time.

I’m getting panicky at this point like a diver running low on air. I know my brain will begin shutting down on me by 10 PM thinking it is time for bed fool and it’s already 8:30 and we are still cruising for a place to eat.

We found a great place on the Southside of the city and enjoyed a wonderful dinner. Now, have you ever seen baboons on TV or at the zoo yawning? All four of us looked like baboons at the zoo yawning as we drove back home at the ungodly hour of 10:30.

Tonight I am supposed to watch a fight on HBO at 10 PM. I guess a long nap is in order.