Recently I had a visit from another blogger and he witnessed and actually sat at the command center of Mental Vacation.
I thought I would take this time to share a “Behind the Scenes at Mental Vacation” post.
Our day begins early in my PJ’s, coffee in hand, as I meet with staff members to discuss the content for the next posting. Haley prefers to attend the meetings in the nude and drinks water from her dog bowl.

Here is Haley at a recent early morning staff meeting lobbying for another dog shit story.
As we read the news from overnight, catch up on emails and other blogs, senior writer Wreggie begins to congeal the content for the next article in Mental Vacation.
Without hesitation the content begins to spill from the consciousness of Wreggie onto the screen of his trusty HP Pavilion DV 9000.
Immediately you can detect the computer’s heat fan turn on as the grammar and spell checker begin to work wildly. Squiggly red lines cover the now filling Word document.
Once the thought is up on the document it is now time for sentences to be restructured and words that spill cheeker can’t figure out what the hell I’m trying to spell are thrown to Google in hopes that a suggestion will come back…”did you mean” and at last an unspellable word can be rendered readable.
Attempts at humor are injected where possible and final proof reading.
A quick copy and paste to blogger, then a photo is attached and the content formatted.
Finally the publish button and one final glance to see if it all rendered to the high standards you have come to expect here at Mental Vacation.
Fascinating, huh?
I'd fire someone on your staff as this article said "spill checker".
Love the picture. I asked Duke to help me with my Blog once and he gave me a rude look and licked himself.
The command center is damn comfy.
Abby was my personal assistant.
Okay now that you have told us, are you going to have to kill us?
Such high standards are hard to compete with! Some of us just thump the keys at random!
Have a great Christmas!
Wow......all that planning and sqigglyness so early thirty!
I didn't know Haley needed glasses! What a cutie!
And, where's the shit story that Chris got to witness?
completely fascinating! Love it!
Great picture. Perfect staff member. In fact, I have one here just like that wagging his tail waiting for me to get out of bed. This post made me laugh in an audible manner (as opposed to a quiet chuckle).
I don't have a staff. Sometimes the cat tries to sit on my lap and sprawl across the keyboard. I think she's jealous of the amount of time I spend with the laptop. She really doesn't have very creative ideas though.
My staff all quit on me - there were some rumblings about me being impossible to work for or some other nonsense like that.
Sounds like you've got a pretty sweet gig set up for yourself, you must be a better boss that me :)
I had always wondered!!...and now I know. I will definately sleep better tonight! ;)
...loved the part about the fan going nuts when spell checker kicked on...LOL!
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