The other day an Iraqi reporter threw a shoe at the President of

Oh boo friggin hoo… I sit in sackcloth heaping ashes over my head while rocking back and forth mumbling. Not.
You stupid ass (effective hateful insult omitted). Don’t you know that insults like this don’t work on WASP people? (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) Our current President is a WASP. We are immune to such insulting language and gestures. It rolls off our back and we truly don’t get it.
The key is Protestants. Whites with Catholic backgrounds do get bent out of shape over hateful words.
Back in high school area blacks would constantly try out new hateful weaponry. I was called a cracker, a honky and the insults bounced off my chest like a bullet on Superman.
A white friend of mine even named his dog Cracker like he actually was Superman playing with kryptonite.
You see…we own the nuclear weapon of all hate words and you who react to it have allowed us to own it and have given us power by your reaction to the word.
I don’t use the word for the hate it was intended but you allow me to hold it in my arsenal if I need it.
We have modified the word so that it can effectively harm most anyone. So I simply add the adjective “sand” in front of the forbidden word and I have effectively nuked the reporter without ever being insulted myself.
To the citizens of
I think this clip from Austin Powers says it all.
Your Cracker comment reminds me of a story my brother told me. He was in Seattle hanging with an NBA client and his friends of the same color when one of them commented on "...that cracker..." referring to someone other than my brother. They whole room got quiet and they all looked at him. He simple responded with, "It's ok, I know that I am white."
Well said, honkey.
LOL! I didn't know anyone besides me used the Sand - N word.
But truthfully has the "N" word replaced the "F" bomb as the nastiest of all bad words?
Yes merely suggest the word exists makes you a racist bigot because you can repeat it in your mind without speaking the words.
It is without a doubt the nastiest word that can be delivered from a Caucasoid's mouth.
The term Canadian doesn't have the same derogoratory meaning as the bad word. Canadian merely suggests people of color.
I don't make this stuff up...just my observations.
Dang, Chris, don't be spreading that around. Now we're going to come up with a new name...
OH.....I was waiting for a hint to that bad, bad word that I thought, I knew, but couldn't be sure.
The sand part, threw me off.
Yes Micky, a simple modifier and you insult a whole new group of people.
That is how powerful the word is to those who allow it to bother them.
I'm sooo confused....What's a sand canadian? ;-)
I'm ok with being a cracker - hehe - great post by the way...
Wreggie is REALLY white so he'd be referred to as a Saltine.
That was so crazy!!!!! Where was the secret service when the shoe was thrown????? I was amazed that they didn't do anything. Too funny.
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