Labor Day

It was a nice day here in Midland, NC. The weather was perfect. It was warm 85 degrees and decent humidity.

I got my chores done which includes grass cutting, and chopping up a fallen tree. I then burned a huge pile of brush that had been collected over the past few weeks from all the thunderstorms.

My mower just reappeared in my driveway Friday with an invoice attached to it. This is the beauty of living in a small community. They know where I live if I don’t send in a check.

The mower blades were brand new and they were sharp as knives. The blades sounded completely different from the bent old blunt ones that were on there. I cut the front and back yard along with the pasture.

The pasture looks good all clean and freshly cut.

Gigi’s dad is going to come up from Georgia and visit with us for a while. He stays over in the guest house and helps Gigi with the horses. He is mid 70s and stays very active. He is 100% Polish and 100% Catholic with all the guilt and baggage of a good Catholic.

I ran an ad this morning on and have already had 8 good resumes. This is amazing. I thank Al Gore every day for the Internet.

It’s been uncomfortably quiet with the redneck neighbors. I assume he got the summons for the littering charge. I have not received a sopeana so I am assuming he may have just paid the fine and backed off…nah, he’s too stubborn for that.


Peach Pod said...

When is he coming? He promised me that he would babysit Hunter for me while I was in Washington D.C. on a business trip from Sept. 17th thru Sept. 19th. I really need him to do this. I just wanted to flag this since he has that little memory problem.