I have found over the years that I am attracted to friends with polar opposite political beliefs. I don’t do this to discuss politics, I hate discussing politics even with people that believe the same way I do. It’s useless babble much like talking about sports.
But I like politics and I like sports, I just don’t want to talk about it all the time.
Politically I am a conservative. Heck if you distilled my beliefs down I am a libertarian.
What is amazing as far is friendships go is I seem to pair up with liberal thinking yellow dog democrats. They are just the opposite of my political spectrum yet we have so much in common, other than the fact that they are wrong in their political thinking.
Don’t get me wrong, I still have my conservative thinking friends but I seem to enjoy being around the liberals more.
So my dear liberal friends, I enjoy your friendship immensely. Just remember, my vote cancels out yours.
hehe - I liked that last part about your vote canceling theirs out! hehe
At least you know who the cool people are, that's a start. Eventually you'll come to see the error of your political ways. Take it slow. Remember... baby steps. :)
Your vote doesn't at all cancel out ours because we can't vote for president down here. Your vote has TWICE the effect and that's why that *$%^@! got into the white house and stayed for a second term.
Allah, Jah, or whoever is listening, help us!
Its Jah down there. Allah only works in the Mideast, some parts of Africa, and Indonesia. He has no Franchises in STX thank God.
Actually, Allah does have a presence here. Many of our gas stations, grocery, and other stores are owned by Arabs, many of them Muslims. How religious they are I don't know.
Uh oh. Now Reggie's not going to come down here any more. Or at least he'll NEVER shop at Plaza Extra or buy gas at VP....
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