A Nice Birthday

I had a good day.

First of all, my pants felt snug all day. This is not good. Every time I walked by a mirror today I thought, “You disgust me fat-ass”.

So I got home and quickly changed into some comfortable shorts. I looked at the waist band and saw I had been wearing size 32 pants. No damn wonder! I normally wear a 34. Whew! I’m not a fat-ass after all.

Gigi was out all day going to doctors appointments. The dogs had been cooped up since morning. When I got home they all rushed out to do their “jobs”.

I know what they are all going to do. Duke and Haley go to the pasture to herd the horses. Cedie lies under the truck to guard the driveway. Peaches bugs you until you throw the Frisbbe 100 times. None of them leave the property and only need mild supervision.

I started taking dog inventory and couldn’t find Peaches. This was not like her. Apparently I had let her back inside and she was safe. I was happy to find her.

Finally, we have decided to go back to St Croix in September and I am very happy about that. I love the place and the people. I booked and paid for the Airline reservations today.

Now pray for no direct hits from hurricanes since September is peak hurricane season.

I feel so grounded in St Croix. I get to see old friends, Charlie, Kim, Margaret, Josie, Eugene, Sharon and even old town character Richard. Then I get to see the good friends, Terri and Michael. Then I get to see the news friends Peter, Mitch and Leslie. Who knows who I’ll meet this trip?

Terri just called me from St Croix as I type this to wish me a happy birthday. Her ears must have been burning.


Anonymous said...

I loved how you described the mix-up with sizes on the pants. My hubby does that. He actually did that in the store. He thought a pair of jeans felt a little too tight, but didn't want to buy a bigger size than normal, so he was willing to go with it. Turns out, he had taken the wrong size into the fitting room.

I'm glad you had a nice birthday!

Logzie said...

Chuck & I laughed about the pants story too! :0)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're not really a fat-ass, but I can't really say the same for myself these days. I can't fit into many of my normal clothes, and the ones I can squeeze into make me feel like a sausage. So I'm actually enjoying the slightly loose maternity stuff. Hope it doesn't get too tight. I'd be in BIG FAT trouble.

Tim 2.0 said...

Happy Belated B-Day Reggie! Sounds like you had a good one!