What Day is it Anyway?

I woke up this morning fully convinced that it was Friday, and I had the blank canvas of the weekend before me. Then I realized it was Wednesday, garbage day, the day I have to roll the cans to the curbside for pickup.

Damn that feeling of Friday was fleeting, but I get to live it again in a few days for real.

Then I recalled a dream I had last night. I was in prison for I know not what why. I was serving a year and it was driving me crazy with the rules. I had to ask permission for everything.

It was a co-ed prison and the groups were kept very small. We had long classes together and the guards enjoyed humiliating us. If you broke the rules they would stick pointy pencils in your butt cheeks through your jeans.

I played by the rules, because I didn’t want any pencil lead in my fanny.

I’m glad that was just a bad dream. I guess I’m getting plenty of REM sleep.


none said...

A pencil in the fanny?

That sounds like one of those Euro prisons ;)

Crazed Nitwit said...

As far as scary dreasm go~~whimpy.

Of course, we would have startd calling you lead butt!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I woke up with Thursday on my mind. I am shocked to learn it is only Wednesday. Not even the middle of the week really.

My parents are coming into town this weekend and I had a dream you and Judy and were already here helping me build a porch and my parents came down 2 days early to surprise us all.

MELackey said...

I guess you better be glad it was just a pencil they were poking your fanny with...

Stacy said...

pointy pencils? I think this is a subconscious gay dream.

Anonymous said...

At least you got to have Friday for a little while. It's been Monday all over again here!